ZURU Sparkle Girlz Pet Clinic lets you become the ultimate pet expert. Inside the Sparkle Veterinary Clinic there are so many ways to take care of your pets and play with your friends too. Check your puppy's weight and make sure she is well fed on the examination table with a clippable lamp. When she is brushed, fed and ready to go her pet carrier is ready to take her home safely. Make sure hammy the hamster is getting his exercise on the spinning hamster wheel. Imagine endless possibilities in the Sparkle Pet Clinic. Sparkle every day at an amazing value too!
Product Specifications
- Sparkle Girlz doll
- Examination table with clippable lamp
- 1x Puppy 1x Kitten and Pet Carrier
- Hamster spinning wheel
- Vet accessories like brusg, scissors, feeding bowl and first aid kit